Space & Astronomy
Space and Astronomy (October 1993).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
323 lines
/* Disc file input routines to read initialization parameters
* or file containing orbital elements.
#include "kep.h"
extern char *intfmt, *strfmt;/* see dms.c */
static char starnam[80] = {'s','t','a','r','.','c','a','t','\0'};
static char orbnam[80] = {'o','r','b','i','t','.','c','a','t','\0'};
static int linenum = 1;
/* Read initialization file aa.ini
* and adjust topocentric coordinates of observer.
* The following items will be read in automatically from the disc file
* named aa.ini, if one is provided. The file contains one ASCII
* string number per line so is easily edited.
* Terrestrial geocentric latitude and longitude of observer
* in degrees East of Greenwich, North of equator
* (kfiles.c converts from geodetic latitude input.)
double tlong = -71.13; /* Cambridge, Massachusetts */
double tlat = 42.38; /* geocentric */
double glat =42.17; /* geodetic */
/* Parameters for calculation of azimuth and elevation
double attemp = 20.0; /* atmospheric temperature, degrees Centigrade */
double atpress = 1013.0; /* atmospheric pressure, millibars */
/* Distance from observer to center of earth, in earth radii
double trho = 0.9985;
static double flat = 298.257222;
static double aearth = 6378137.;
static double height = 0.0;
extern double tlong, tlat, glat, trho, attemp, atpress, dtgiven;
int kinit()
double a, b, fl, co, si, u;
FILE *f, *fopen();
char s[84];
printf( "\n\tSteve Moshier's Ephemeris Program v5.1\n\n" );
#if BandS
printf( "Planetary perturbations are from Bretagnon and Simon.\n" );
printf( "Planetary perturbations are from Meeus.\n" );
printf( "Extended Chapront Lunar theory.\n" );
f = fopen( "aa.ini", "r" );
if( f )
fgets( s, 80, f );
sscanf( s, "%lf", &tlong );
fgets( s, 80, f );
sscanf( s, "%lf", &glat );
fgets( s, 80, f );
sscanf( s, "%lf", &height );
u = glat * DTR;
/* Reduction from geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude
* AA page K5
co = cos(u);
si = sin(u);
fl = 1.0 - 1.0/flat;
fl = fl*fl;
si = si*si;
u = 1.0/sqrt( co*co + fl*si );
a = aearth*u + height;
b = aearth*fl*u + height;
trho = sqrt( a*a*co*co + b*b*si );
tlat = RTD * acos( a*co/trho );
if( glat < 0.0 )
tlat = -tlat;
trho /= aearth;
/* Reduction from geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude
* AA page K5
tlat = glat
- 0.19242861 * sin(2.0*u)
+ 0.00032314 * sin(4.0*u)
- 0.00000072 * sin(6.0*u);
trho = 0.998327073
+ 0.001676438 * cos(2.0*u)
- 0.000003519 * cos(4.0*u)
+ 0.000000008 * cos(6.0*u);
trho += height/6378160.;
printf( "Terrestrial east longitude %.4lf deg\n", tlong );
printf( "geocentric latitude %.4lf deg\n", tlat );
printf( "Earth radius %.5lf\n", trho );
fgets( s, 80, f );
sscanf( s, "%lf", &attemp );
printf( "temperature %.1lf C\n", attemp );
fgets( s, 80, f );
sscanf( s, "%lf", &atpress );
printf( "pressure %.0lf mb\n", atpress );
fgets( s, 80, f );
sscanf( s, "%d", &jdflag );
switch( jdflag )
case 0: printf("TDT and UT assumed equal.\n");
case 1: printf("Input time is TDT.\n" );
case 2: printf("Input time is UT.\n" );
default: printf("Illegal jdflag\n" );
fgets( s, 80, f );
sscanf( s, "%lf", &dtgiven );
if( dtgiven != 0.0 )
printf( "Using deltaT = %.2lfs.\n", dtgiven );
/* Program to read in a file containing orbital parameters
extern struct orbit earth;
int getorbit(el)
struct orbit *el;
FILE *f, *fincat();
char s1[100], s2[100], *u, *v;
int i;
getnum( "Name of orbit catalogue file: ", orbnam, strfmt );
f = fincat( orbnam, 2, s1, s2 );
if( f == 0 )
return(-1); /* failure flag */
printf( "%s\n", s1 );
printf( "%s\n", s2 );
/* Read in ASCII floating point numbers
sscanf( s1, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",
&el->epoch, &el->i, &el->W, &el->w, &el->a, &el->dm );
sscanf( s2, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %15s", &el->ecc, &el->M,
&el->equinox, &el->mag, &el->sdiam, &el->obname[0] );
el->obname[15] = '\0';
/* Clear out the rest of the data structure
el->oelmnt = 0;
el->celmnt = 0;
el->L = 0.0;
el->r = 0.0;
el->plat = 0.0;
if( strcmp( &el->obname[0], "Earth" ) )
u = (char *)&earth;
v = (char *)el;
for( i=0; i<sizeof(struct orbit); i++ )
*u++ = *v++;
printf( "Read in earth orbit\n" );
int getstar(el)
struct star *el;
int sign;
char s[100];
double rh, rm, rs, dd, dm, ds, x, z;
FILE *f, *fincat();
char *p;
int i;
getnum( "Name of star catalogue file: ", starnam, strfmt );
f = fincat( starnam, 1, s );
if( f == 0 )
return(-1); /* failure flag */
printf( "%s\n", s );
/* Read in the ASCII string data and name of the object
sscanf( s, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %s",
&el->epoch, &rh, &rm, &rs, &dd, &dm, &ds,
&el->mura, &el->mudec, &el->v, &el->px, &x, &el->obname[0] );
x = el->epoch;
if( x == 2000.0 )
x = J2000;
else if( x == 1950.0 )
x = B1950;
else if( x == 1900.0 )
x = J1900;
x = J2000 + 365.25 * (x - 2000.0);
el->epoch = x;
/* read the right ascension */
el->ra = 2.0 * PI * (3600.0*rh + 60.0*rm + rs)/86400.0;
/* read the declination */
sign = 1;
if( (dd < 0.0) || (dm < 0.0) || (ds < 0.0) )
sign = -1;
z = (3600.0*fabs(dd) + 60.0*fabs(dm) + fabs(ds))/RTS;
if( dd == 0.0 )
/* Scan the text for possible minus sign in front of declination 0 */
p = s;
/* skip over 4 fields */
for( i=0; i<4; i++ )
while( *p++ == ' ' )
while( *p++ != ' ' )
while( *p++ == ' ' )
if( *p == '-' )
sign = -1;
if( sign < 0 )
z = -z;
el->dec = z;
printf( "%.2lf\n", el->epoch );
printf( "%.0lf %.0lf %.3lf\n", rh, rm, rs );
printf( "%.8lf\n", el->ra );
printf( "%.0lf %.0lf %.3lf\n", dd, dm, ds );
printf( "%.8lf\n", el->dec );
printf( "d %.3lf mua %.3lf mud %.3lf v %.3lf\n",
el->px, el->mura, el->mudec, el->v );
el->mura *= 15.0/RTS; /* s/century -> "/century -> rad/century */
el->mudec /= RTS;
z = el->px;
if( z < 1.0 )
if( z <= 0.0 )
el->px = 0.0;
el->px = STR * z; /* assume px in arc seconds */
el->px = 1.0/(RTS * z); /* parsecs -> radians */
/* Open catalogue and find line number
FILE *fincat( name, n, str1, str2 )
char *name;
int n; /* number of lines per catalogue entry */
char *str1, *str2;
int i;
FILE *f, *fopen();
f = fopen( name, "r" );
if( f == 0 )
printf( "Can't find file %s\n", name );
return(0); /* failure flag */
getnum( "Line number", &linenum, intfmt );
if( linenum <= 0 )
goto failure;
for( i=0; i<linenum; i++ )
fgets( str1, 98, f );
if( *str1 == '-' )
goto endf;
if( n > 1 )
fgets( str2, 98, f );
if( *str2 == '-' )
goto endf;
return( f );
printf( "End of file reached.\n" );